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15 of the Best CMS Platforms to Start a Website

by David Wilson
July 6, 2022
15 of the Best CMS Platforms to Start a Website

Are you thinking of starting a website but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone! Creating a website can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and resources it can be easy and fun. In this blog post, we’ll outline 15 of the best CMS platforms to start a website. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, there’s sure to be a platform in this list that will fit your needs.

Check out our list of the 15 best CMS platforms to get started! From well-known names like WordPress and Drupal to lesser known options like Joomla and grav, we’ve got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Start building your dream website today! So let’s get started!

best cms for developers

There are many different Content Management Systems (CMS) on the market, and it can be difficult to determine which one is the best for your needs. If you’re a developer, there are a few key factors you’ll want to consider when choosing a CMS.

First, you’ll want to think about the language the CMS is written in. If you’re more comfortable working with PHP, for example, you’ll probably want to choose a CMS that’s also written in PHP. This will make it easier for you to customize and extend the functionality of your website.

Another important factor to consider is the security of the CMS. With so much hacking going on these days, it’s important to choose a CMS that is secure and has a good reputation for being secure. A CMS that is open source is usually a good choice, as the code is available for anyone to examine and improve.

Finally, you’ll want to consider the support options available for the CMS you’re considering. If something goes wrong, you’ll want to be able to get help from the developers of the CMS. Make sure there is good documentation available, and that there is an active community of users who can help you out if needed.

Choosing the best CMS for your needs can be a difficult task, but if you keep these factors in mind, you should be able to make a decision that’s right for you.

15 of the Best CMS Platforms to Start a Website

  1. WordPress: WordPress is a popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It offers a wide range of features and is suitable for both beginners and experts.
  2. Joomla: Joomla is another popular CMS that offers a variety of features and tools to help you create a website. It’s easy to use and has a wide range of plugins and extensions available.
  3. Drupal: Drupal is a powerful content management system that offers a lot of flexibility and customizability. It’s suitable for larger websites and businesses that need more advanced features.
  4. Magento: Magento is a popular eCommerce platform that helps you easily create an online store. It offers a variety of features and tools to help you run your business smoothly.
  5. Shopify: Shopify is another popular eCommerce platform that allows you to easily create and manage your online store. It offers a wide range of features and is suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  6. Adobe Experience Manager: Adobe Experience Manager is a popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s easy to use and offers a variety of features and tools to help you create a great experience for your visitors.
  7. Sitecore: Sitecore is a powerful content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s suitable for larger websites and businesses that need more advanced features.
  8. Episerver: Episerver is another popular CMS that helps you easily create and manage your website. It offers a wide range of features and is suitable for both beginners and experts.
  9. Umbraco: Umbraco is a popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s easy to use and offers a variety of features to help you create a great experience for your visitors.
  10. Kentico: Kentico is a powerful content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s suitable for larger websites and businesses that need more advanced features.
  11. DNN Platform: DNN Platform is a popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s easy to use and offers a wide range of features to help you create a great experience for your visitors.
  12. Orchard CMS: Orchard CMS is a popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s easy to use and offers a variety of features to help you create a great experience for your visitors.
  13. mojoPortal: mojoPortal is a popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s easy to use and offers a wide range of features to help you create a great experience for your visitors.
  14. DotNetNuke: DotNetNuke is another popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It’s easy to use and offers a wide range of features to help you create a great experience for your visitors.
  15. Sitefinity: Sitefinity is a popular content management system that helps you easily create and manage your website. It offers a wide range of features and is suitable for both beginners and experts.

These are just 15 of the best CMS platforms that you can use to start a website. There are many other great options out there, so be sure to do your research and choose the platform that’s right for you.

With the right platform, you’ll be able to easily create and manage a website that’s perfect for your business or personal needs.

If you’re looking for a great CMS platform to start a website, be sure to check out one of these 15 options. With the right platform, you’ll be able to easily create and manage a website that’s perfect for your business or personal needs.

What is a headless CMS?

A headless content management system (CMS) is a back-end only content management system (CMS) built with a JavaScript front-end. Headless CMSs provide the ability to store and manage content, but don’t provide the tools or platform to build a traditional website.

What are the benefits of using a headless CMS?

There are many benefits of using a headless CMS, including:

Increased flexibility and control: With a headless CMS, you have complete control over how your content is displayed. This means that you can easily create custom experiences for your users without being restricted by your CMS.

Improved performance: Headless CMSs are often much faster and more responsive than traditional CMSs, since they don’t have to render HTML pages on the server-side. This can lead to a better user experience, especially on mobile devices.

Better scalability: Headless CMSs are often more scalable than traditional CMSs, since they don’t have to render HTML pages on the server-side. This means that you can easily handle increased traffic without running into performance issues.

What are some of the best headless CMSs?

There are many great headless CMSs available, but some of the best include Contentful, Prismic, and Sanity.io. Each of these CMSs offers different features and benefits, so be sure to choose one that best meets your needs.

Contentful is a great choice for those who need a powerful and flexible CMS. It offers a wide range of features, including an intuitive user interface, the ability to create custom content types, and support for multiple languages.

Prismic is ideal for those who need a headless CMS that is easy to use. It offers a simple yet powerful interface that makes it easy to create and manage content. Additionally, Prismic provides built-in tools for previewing content changes before they go live.

Sanity.io is a good option for those who need a headless CMS that is easy to customize. It offers a wide range of customization options, including the ability to create custom data types and add your own JavaScript code.

No matter what your needs are, there is a headless CMS that will meet them. So, if you’re looking for a more flexible and powerful way to manage your content, be sure to check out a headless CMS.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

1. What is a CMS?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application or set of tools that allow users to create, edit, manage, and publish content. A CMS typically provides a web-based interface for authoring and publishing content, as well as a repository or database where content is stored.

2. What are some of the best CMS platforms?

There are many great CMS platforms available, but some of the best include WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, and TYPO3. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose one that will fit your specific needs.

3. Why should I use a CMS?

Using a CMS can save you a lot of time and effort in managing your website content. It can also make it easier for multiple users to collaborate on content creation and publishing.

4. What are some things to consider when choosing a CMS?

When choosing a CMS, you should consider your budget, the skills of your team, the needs of your website, and the level of support you require.

5. How much does a CMS cost?

The cost of a CMS varies depending on the platform you choose and the features you need. However, many CMS platforms offer free or open-source versions that can be used for small websites or businesses.

6. Is there a learning curve for using a CMS?

Yes, there is typically a learning curve for using any CMS platform. However, the learning curve can be minimized by choosing a platform that is easy to use and provides good documentation or support.

7. Can I host my own CMS?

Yes, you can host your own CMS if you have the necessary technical skills and resources. However, it is often easier and less expensive to host your CMS with a web hosting provider that offers managed services.


So, there you have it – 15 of the best CMS platforms to start a website. We hope this list helps you find the right platform for your needs and that you enjoy building your new website! Have any questions about how to get started? Leave us a comment below and we’ll be happy to help out.